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line up意思
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  • 排队,整队
  1. form a line;

    "The buildings all line up neatly"

  2. get something or somebody for a specific purpose;

    "I found this gadget that will serve as a bottle opener"
    "I got hold of these tools to fix our plumbing"
    "The chairman got hold of a secretary on Friday night to type the urgent letter"

  3. form a queue, form a line, stand in line;

    "Customers lined up in front of the store"

  4. place in a line or arrange so as to be parallel or straight;

    "align the car with the curb"
    "align the sheets of paper on the table"

  5. arrange in ranks;

    "dress troops"

  6. take one's position before a kick-off

If peopleline up or if youline themup, they move so that they are standing in a line.

line up

e.g. The senior leaders linedup behind him in orderly rows...
e.g. The gym teachers lined usup against the cement walls...

If youline thingsup, you move them into a straight row.

e.g. I wouldlineup my toys on this windowsill and play...
e.g. He finished polishing the cocktail glasses and lined themup behind the bar.

If youline one thingup with another, or one thinglines up with another, the first thing is moved into its correct position in relation to the second. You can also say that two thingsline up, orare lined up.

e.g. You have toline the carup with the ones beside you...
e.g. Gas cookers are adjustable in height tolineup with your kitchen work top...

If youline up an event or activity, you arrange for it to happen. If youline someoneup for an event or activity, you arrange for them to be available for that event or activity.

e.g. She linedup executives, politicians and educators to serve on the board of directors...
e.g. Bob Dylan is liningup a two-week UK tour for the New Year.

If youline up with, behind, or alongside a person or group, you support them. If youline up against a person or group, you oppose them.

e.g. Some surprising names have linedup behind the idea...
e.g. We Spaniards have linedup against each other all too often.

6. see also: line-up

1. 列队:2.列队 (lineup) 持球的一方在每次发动进攻前,至少必须要有 7名球员「列队」在攻击线「上」 (实际的情形并不是踩在在线,而是指靠近攻击线的1码内而未超过它) ;而防守的一方则没有这样的限制,可以在防御线后任意地排列,但是同样地,

2. 排好队:(三)趣味操练 (Practice) 1.报数:Let's play部分可结合学生平时上体育课的要求,请两小组的学生上台,先要求学生排好队(Lineup),然后要求他们大声报数1-15(Count from 1-15).

3. 排队,使排成一行:inline with 跟...一致;符合 . |lineup 排队,使排成一行 . | linkup 把...连(衔)接起来 .

4. 排队:let out 释放;放出/发出(水,气泄露 |lineup 排队; | live on以...为生

"line up"的基本信息





